Gig Harbor Pickleball News

June 2019

There is great summer outdoor pickleball play in Gig Harbor at Sehmel Homestead Park. This nicely outfitted park, with clean restrooms and plenty of parking, is a local pickleball haven. South Sound Pickleball Club welcomes players of all abilities and good sportsmanship to play on their 9 pickleball courts, with permanent lines painted on multi-use basketball and tennis courts.

Regular Saturday morning Open Play starts about 9:30 AM to whenever, with many players also coming out on Sunday mornings. They started officially on June 8, 2019 and will keep this schedule, weather permitting, to mid September. They have different levels of play at various courts, but anyone is welcome to go to any court. There is at least one challenge court, with a second as needed.

New this summer, they are starting at 8:30 AM with drill practice for about an hour. During this time, you can expect to be switching players so that folks can get to know and play with different players. Also, anyone wanting to practice refereeing is encouraged to do so. The club will provide the score sheets and other items for referees.

To help pay for the Saturday reservations, they are asking players to donate $25, which in addition to the reservation fees that they have to pay in advance, will pay for Onix outdoor balls, some fruit, water and use of nets and other equipment. Please get with Ken or Miok at the courts on the weekends. Hope to see you all there!