Greetings Mayor Durkan
From: Nathan King
Sent: July 10, 2021
To: Mayor Durkan, Tammy Morales, Superintendent Jesus Aguirre and Oliver Bazinet
Subject: Recreational Equity SE Seattle
Greetings Mayor Durkan,
I’m writing to express my deep disappointment in the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department led by Superintendent Aguirre and to make you aware of the department’s failure to provide equitable access to park facilities to the residents of Southeast Seattle.
More than 700 residents have signed a petition to open up park facilities at Jefferson Park and Rainier Playfield in Southeast Seattle for pickleball – a sport which provides health and recreation to a wide and diverse cross section of community members. This petition included a request to meet with Superintendent Aguirre.
Unfortunately, Superintendent Aguirre has ignored both this request to meet, as well as the voices of hundreds of Southeast Seattle residents pleading for recreational access. It is unfortunate that a department supposedly committed to making equity a policy focus, would act in manner such to the contrary.
Because the needs of so many residents of Southeast Seattle are seemingly not a priority for Superintendent Aguirre, I’m asking your help to encourage him to address this part of the city so often overlooked and underserved. Please direct Superintendent Aguirre to meet with the Southeast Seattle representatives requesting equitable access to park facilities.
Thank You.
Nathan King
Southeast Seattle Resident
Link to petition: