Welcome to SMPA

More Courts, More Play

What can SMPA do for you?

Seattle Metro Pickleball Association (SMPA) is your voice in speaking up to city and county parks departments to ask for pickleball courts, request pickleball lines, nets, equipment, more court time indoors and out, and to promote the development of dedicated pickleball facilities.

SMPA is why Green Lake pickleball courts exist, a de facto hub serving a community of 50+ players every weekend. SMPA’s voice is how Seattle Metro tennis courts at public parks and schools became lined for pickleball and how semi-permanent pickleball nets began appearing at those courts at Rainier Beach, Alki, Miller, Gilman, Dearborn, Bitter Lake, Solstice and SWAC in West Seattle.

SMPA directors have a tradition of passion to grow the sport, engage with government and communities to develop the sport, promote and sponsor play, and build more pickleball courts. When we speak, the cities listen.

Our Mission

The four pillars of how our team plans to make pickleball more accessible.


Grow the profile of pickleball in our region and the community of people working together to help it to flourish


Build the dedicated pickleball facilities that our region deserves and that generations to come will enjoy

Empower Play

Empower play by providing expertise, equipment and other material resources to enable well-run, inclusive organized play opportunities. 


Engage with individuals and governmental bodies to improve and expand public pickleball facilities across the region

Programs & Initiatives

Improving the pickleball Experience in seattle

SMPA is working hard to grow pickleball, and we need your financial support. We have made a major impact thus far, but we can do so much more with your support. Become a donor, pick a cause, and spread the word to your pickleball community.


Bob Hassan Pickleball Courts at Magnuson Park

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Come join us

Join our pickleball community

A regionally diverse and active supporter participation increases the bargaining power of the Seattle Metro Pickleball Association when advocating for more and better places to play pickleball, both indoors and outdoors, across the metro area.


Read about the latest news about pickleball in seattle

Donate & support smpa

Select from a series of causes to donate & help support the continued efforts to grow and maintain pickleball in our Seattle communities.