ACTION ALERT: Register Today to Ask for More Indoor and Outdoor Pickleball in Kirkland on June 17, 6:30-8:00PM

This year, the City of Kirkland is updating its Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan which is a six-year guide and strategic plan for managing and enhancing park and recreation services. The PROS Plan establishes a path forward for providing high quality, community-driven parks, trails, open spaces and recreational opportunities to benefit Kirkland community members and visitors. This planning process provides a vision for where the parks can grow, how programs can expand, what improvements facilities need and ways to better serve the community. Let’s make sure the plan includes pickleball.

Kirkland has hired Greenplay to ask for your input regarding this plan. Greenplay will host a Public Forum on June 17th from 6:30 to 8:00pm.

At the public forum, you will have the opportunity to take part in polls, ask questions in the chat room and participate in a question-and-answer period. The input received during this public forum as well as through focus groups, interviews and survey opportunities will be used to determine the priorities for Kirkland’s recreational facilities and activities, what funding sources may be available, potential partnerships, and how best to support the recreational needs of the community. Let’s seize this opportunity to ask for more indoor and outdoor pickleball facilities.

Register today at and tell all your pickleball friends who live, work or play in Kirkland to register and attend as well.

See you online on June17th!