What you already did
In June, we asked you to participate in a public forum about Kirkland’s Parks Department upcoming Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces (PROS) plan update.
The results are in and you did an amazing job. Check out the results here: https://www.kirklandwa.gov/files/sharedassets/public/parks-amp-comm-services/park-planning/pdfs/pros-plan-1st-public-forum-presentation.pdf
Some of you also participated in focus groups. We haven’t heard any official results from these, but we do know that at most focus groups had multiple pickleball advocates.
What we need to do now
A large blue human-sized butterfly will be visiting Kirkland Parks to collect your stories and feedback. The butterfly will make her first appearance out of the cocoon at the Juanita Friday Market from 3 to 5pm on July 9, 2021. Find the butterfly and tell it that Kirkland needs more indoor and outdoor pickleball facilities.
More opportunities to catch the butterfly will be posted in the future on Kirkland’s PROS web page.
Please tell your friends.